Thoughts, and more thoughts.

  • Can you pass 8th Grade Math?

    You Passed 8th Grade Math Congratulations, you got 10/10 correct! Could You Pass 8th Grade Math?

  • OktAle / Novemberfest

    So the beer has been brewed, and, as of this morning is bubbling away happily in the primary fermenter. It’s not as heavy as I had planned, coming out at 1.042 Original Gravity, partly due to brewing 5 1/2 gallons, rather than 5, and also to poor mash efficiency. I think I let the mash…

  • OktAle Recipe

    Here’s the plan for today’s brew. An Alt, brewed with an Maerzen grain bill and hopping, so it should be similar in style to a O’fest. I’m planning a single decoction mash, so I’ll be pretty busy. Oktober AleRecipe oktober ale Style Oktoberfest/MarzenBrewer Steve Downey Batch 5.00 gal Recipe CharacteristicsRecipe Gravity 1.054 OG Estimated FG…

  • New Brew Planning

    Yippe! I’m brewing this weekend (weather, wife, and kids permitting) GR410 Malt – Vienna 7.00 1.30 9.10 GR405 Malt – German Munich 1.00 1.45 1.45 GR390 Malt – White Wheat 1.00 1.35 1.35 GR590 Malt – Caravienne 1.00 1.55 1.55 GR593 Malt – Special B 1.00 1.55 1.55 Hhal2 Hop (Pellets) – Hallertauer (2 oz)…

  • Downloads at

    Downloads at This is where it starts with OpenSolaris. I’ve got a spare Dell Optiplex gx110 that I try out new Linux distros on. Now it’s going to be a test bed for OpenSolaris. First step is downloading everything. Well, almost first step. Real first step was going out and buying a new sleeve…

  • Sun Studio Downloads at

    Sun Studio Downloads at So, a free-as-in-beer license for Sun Studio 10, to go with the new free-as-in-speech OpenSolaris. Time to dust off one of the Netra T-1’s in the basement, and see what this puppy can do.

  • Another Nerd Test

  • A brief history of construction:

    This starts in the first week of January, and runs through last week. Living in a house that’s under construction has been, …, interesting. But we’re starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Putting together the animated GIF was pretty easy, too. I’ve been taking pictures from the same spot across…

  • Thinking about Exception Safety in C++

    Thanks to David Abrahams, we have a framework to discuss the relative exception safety of C++ components. Quick reiteration:# The basic guarantee: that the invariants of the component are preserved, and no resources are leaked.# The strong guarantee: that the operation has either completed successfully or thrown an exception, leaving the program state exactly as…

  • More house construction

    This the outside, now This is our new walk-in closet and bathroom This is a panoramic picture of the bedroom