Month: January 2005

  • Moving homebrew around

    I have two batches of beer in progress at the moment. The first was supposed to be a Scottish Wee Heavy, but due to technical difficulties during the mash, it ended up a lot lighter and therefore hoppier than I had intended. The hose connecting the false bottom to the outlet valve came loose, and…

  • Pine Wood Derby

    Friday night was Pine Wood Derby night for both of my kids. So, forthe past few weeks, on top of all the house construction, we’ve beenworking on making little tiny race cars. Michael made it to thesemi-finals in his division, Jonathan made it to the finals in his,where he came in second and got a…

  • Skylight in the Kitchen

    Well, not really, but with the roof really off, you can see sky through the plastic sheet that’s up, covering one of the new beams for the house. Here’s a picture of the front of the house, now that they’ve started framing the new second story.

  • The Roof is OFF!

    This is before they started work in the morning. This is what it looked like the following morning. There’s some temporary framing so they can work under the tarp, so it doesn’t look as dramatic as I thought it might. It’s a little chilly in the house, though.

  • Closing the closet

    The bedroom closet is switching from the bedroom (soon to be living room) to the other side, where it will be my closet in my new office. They framed it, and later they’ll put up the new sheetrock there, with a door on the other side.

  • Clearing the second floor

    Yesterday, the second floor was cleared out. Almost nothing left. Pretty soon those drapes are going to be the only thing between us and the elements. Here’s what’s left: And the toilet: Everything went out the window:

  • A better view of the steel beam

    You can’t really see the steel in the earlier pictures. They are actually plates running between the wood.

  • Starting to demolish

    This is actually from a few weeks ago. When this is all done, we’ll have a whole new second floor of the house. Until then, we have an ongoing disaster. The first step was taking down the central wall on the first floor, and putting in steel beams. This means that our living room is…

  • My dismantled Network Lab

    This is most of the computers that used to be in my office upstairs. The upstairs office doesn’t exist anymore (see next few posts), and will eventually be our new bedroom. So for now, all the equipment is on the bar in the basement.

  • OK, I’m apparently more of a geek than I thought….